Last updated: November 3, 2024
The following attribution requirements apply to all content generated with our Service.
When using a Free plan, an anim8map logo must be included in all generated content. Any logo that is automatically included in generated content must not be altered, obscured, or erased in any way.
For content generated with a paid Premium plan in good standing, inclusion of the anim8map logo is optional and at your discretion.
When you create and distribute content that uses OpenStreetMap data, you are responsible for ensuring that appropriate OpenStreetMap attribution is provided. The OpenStreetMap attribution requirements and guidelines can be found under the following links:
The non-exhaustive list where this attribution is required are videos with car or bus routes, videos with transit routes, videos with ferry routes, and all videos that include a notice about use of OpenStreetMap data on the download page.
OpenStreetMap attribution is separate from and in addition to any anim8map attribution, and may be required even in cases where anim8map attribution is not applicable or necessary.
We reserve the right to update our Attribution Requirements. Whenever we make significant changes, we will refresh the date at the top of this page and notify you by email or by posting a notice on our website.
If you have a question about our Attribution Requirements, please contact us through our contact form or by emailing us at [email protected].